Kyle van Oosterum

Hi! I'm a DPhil(PhD) in Philosophy candidate at the University of Oxford, a member of the Institute for Ethics in AI  and an affiliate with the MINT Lab at ANU. My thesis supervisors are Professor John Tasioulas and Professor Neil Levy.

The title of my thesis is Echo Chambers and Political Philosophy. My thesis provides a politically liberal diagnosis and prescription of the problems posed by echo chambers. Along the way, I provide a defence of (Rawlsian) political liberalism, a novel sufficientarian ideal of political influence, an account of how social media platforms can bolster our self-respect and an original account of 'reparative civility'.

Broadly, I'm interested in ethics and political philosophy. Specifically, I'm interested in paternalism, public reason, civility, liberalism, normative business ethics, AI Ethics and bioethics. For publications and CV click here.

Since 2022, I'm also the co-host (with Lewis Williams) of the Philosopher's Nest podcast. Together, we interview philosophy PhD students and ask them about their work and experiences in the (weird) world of academic philosophy. 

<<Get in touch: kyle.vanoosterum[@]>>